Sunday, May 30, 2010


Ahh do you smell the stench of holidays getting stronger and stronger as each day goes by? You feel you wanna make an official countdown and wait for the final 10 seconds mark and count it to the last second with all your friends? If any of you don't feel like doing any of these, you're a doochbag. These were done back in the day when we were little and naive and all we wanted was to not go to school. Well things as usual change.

Now as we grow, we learn to slowly accept the harsh terms and acceptions that life has given that and we get through it everytime we come across it. That's just life, you enjoy the good things first and then when you understand more, the harsher things kicks in. But don't worry, like life, everything will be fine. I was reading a blog article with the subject about us humans and the sutuations around us. I have to say I totally agree with you, Nas. We were given Earth, the ultimate home where we can live peacfully and have fun during the day and sleep comfortably at night and how do we repay. Humans created cars which end up polluting the ozone layer Carbon Monoxide, factories pollute the air as well which causes acid rain and not to forget, even hairsprays could pollute the air with Chlorofluorocarbon(CFC). That's not the end, It's just the beginning. Oil spills by ships, shipwrecks, plastic bags, tin cans, tissue paper, waste paper. All by us, humans. There's still time, why not do something about it, there are a minority who have done their part. Now waiting for the majority to follow.

Phew! these words came from my frustrations. Now my mind is tired due to that same frustrations. So till next time. And pls tag my tagboard, what would be a tagboard without any new tags.